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GET VISITORS & Increase Traffic (Introductory offer!) Version 1.3

GET VISITORS & Increase Traffic (Introductory offer!)

The Pikoversum Tamer Game - invite visitors NOW!
INCREASE your TRAFFIC - Host a Tame-Spawn-Spot NOW! boost Sales with new visitors!

Consigue este lindo HUD para el lindo juego Pikoversum!

Introductory offer! Introductory offer! Introductory offer!

The Pikoversum Tamer game offers a fascinating way to earn money (free Linden) and have an exciting experience at the same time.

While tamers actively search for tamable unicorns, they have the unique opportunity to discover new and exciting places in Second Life.

How it works?

After accepting our TOS and payment permission you can make various settings:

• L$ reward
• Spawn range
• Maximum spawns per day
• Maximum spawns per hour
• Number of simultaneous unicorns
• Tame limit per avatar and day
• Group members only


★ Every time your server creates (rez) a pet, credits will be taken for it!
★ Your server pays your visitors (Tamer) directly with L$ that get deducted from your inworld L$ balance!
★ The credits are only there to pay our operating fees (tax)

The amount of credits (fee) depends on the L$ reward:
L$ 1 = 1 credit
L$ 2-5 = 2 credits
L$ 10-15 = 3 credits
L$ 25 = 5 credits
L$ 50 = 8 credits
L$ 75 = 9 credits
L$ 100 = 10 credits

You may recharge your credits with the purchase of credit packs. Depending on the package and L$ reward, the fees can be as low as 4%.

INTRODUCTORY OFFER: Get 1000 free credits!
(Only for a short time)

• Your business will be featured on our website.
• Ingenious bot protection !
• Get Real visitor !
• Get new visitors from new target groups such as Breeder

Important rules / facts:
• Group membership can as a condition. Only groups that are free to join are accepted.
• Pets which have not tamed by anyone within 30 days will expire. No credits will be refunded for them!
• The hosting of a server requires the agreement of our TOS. www.pikoversum.net/tos.php
• Intentionally running a server that spawns inaccessible pets results in a ban. (e.g. high landing point distance or similar)

What is Pikoversum (the breeder/asset thing)?
Pikoversum is more than just a new Breedable. We have combined virtual breeding with resources and assets.

The breedable-engine of Pikoversum is unique and allows breeding offline from Second Life purely in the web portal.

Pikoversum Breedables and Assets are now in the pre-live phase! The Tamer game is fully integrated into the Pikoversum environment. This provides an additional benefit to the players. Besides the L$ reward, players will also receive a Breedable in their web portal. This Breedable can be used for breeding or it can be resold.

  • Increase traffic
  • boost traffic ! traffic booster ! visitor traffic aid
  • get visitors and more visitors
  • invite visitors and boost sales with new visitors
  • increase visitors! Consigue este lindo HUD!
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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Yeeee Tamer
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 26, 2023 by age72

Super Tool sehr nützlich.
Great tool very useful.

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