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Gift/Landmark/Notecard/Freebie Giver Script

Gift/Landmark/Notecard/Freebie Giver Script

"Present Givers" Holiday One Touch Gift/Landmark/Notecard/Freebie Giver Script
8 Different Gift Boxes, Presents with 3-D Bows and Ribbons to give your gifts.

8 High Detailed Textures Present Givers with Free Lighted Tree and Snowflake Omitter.

Modify/Copy/Transfer/Resell all Items and Scripts.Presents that gives all the gifts at once on one touch. Add any gifts, landmarks, notecards or any items that you want someone to have just by clicking the box! Set them out in your shop or fill them with presents and give to a friend.

Just load the "Present Givers" up with Gifts, Notecards, Landmarks, Freebies, Xmas gifts or any item you want to give to anyone or load them up with gifts for your friends and when they rez and touch it gives them all the gifts at once!. Anyone that touches the presents will get a gift. Preloaded with Free Snow Omitter and Lit Tree, or add your own gifts. christmas items.
Holiday items,

Low 6 Prim Presents including bows.

So Be Inspired! Create and Resell Your Designs.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted November 19, 2013 by Hollie Geordie

Brilliant easy to use gift box (must be if I can do it!!!) Put my notecard in it and it worked so what more could you ask! 5L go get it!

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