Gigantic DENDEN Hammer

Giant Hammer for zombie hunting.
very SLOW animations,LONG deley,NO damge,NO push.
using physical bullets to push off zombies.
It has
16 normal attacks
3 ex attacks
1 guard
1 taunt
2 riding poses
4 kind of wooden textures
See it inworld at
outfits in photo
Miko - the Shrine Maiden -
You have created the greatest known weapon in all SL the fact that you made it mod made it MUCH MUCH BETTER you truly are amazing tons of sl weapons and much are basically the same same animations same effects blah tedious but not you youve made something that is legendary and beyond anything anyone can do ive modded mine to blast rocks out the ground instead of lightning and made the hammer into an axe thank you forgiving this creation to us all.
Highest calibur
True, it doesn't have push or anything like that. But it DOES have a hit-box that registers hits, so it can be used to smush some of the slower types of zombies. Mostly it's just fun to play with. If you haven't figured it out, the trick to combo is to press the next key during the wait animation, before it swaps back to neutral stance.
L$ 800
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