K's Yacht Racing Game
【 About a product 】
・This product is a game that expects one of the five yachts.
【 Outline of product 】
・The product is "Copy OK".
・Group member limitation ON & OFF function
・Prize distribution ON & OFF function
・You expect the order by selecting the yacht by the dialog.
・The order result is displayed by the floating text.
・Everyone can enter the order expectation.
・A prize is distributed to the person that expectation proved right.
【 Owner 】
・Please click an "Entry" button first, and please display a dialog if you do a "Rez" of an product.
・Please select "Owner" of the dialog, and set "Prize distribution ON & OFF" and "Group limitation ON & OFF".
・Please make sure to select "ALL RESET" from "Owner" of the dialog first when you change the direction of the main body, and reset all the scripts.
・Please select "ALL RESET" from "Owner" of the dialog when some trouble is caused, and reset all the scripts.
・The "owner" display of the dialog appears only when the owner clicks.
・Please do not release the link of objects, and do not link other objects. It causes the trouble of the product.
【 Setting of prize 】
・Please right-click in the main body, and make it to the edit mode.
・Please put the check in "The link part is edited" of the edit mode, and click the "Entry" button of the main body.
・Please drop the object of the prize in "Contents" of the edit mode of the "Entry" button.
The object of "Entry" informs you of the setting of the prize by the chat.
【 How to play 】
・Please click an "Entry" button and choose the color names of the dialog, and please do the arrival expectation of the beginning of the yacht first.
However, the expectation by the same person is once about one race.
・The race starts when the "Start" button is clicked.
・The order of the race is displayed in order of the arrival at a red bar in the surface of the water.
・The yacht might retire without arriving at a red bar.
・When you turned on "prize distribution", a prize is distributed to the person who expectation proved right.