G General

*LC* (C!) - Toothbrush NomNom - Pink Glitter (AD)

*LC* (C!) - Toothbrush NomNom - Pink Glitter (AD)

.:: LacieCakes ::.
Jewelry, Mischief & More! (like clothes & gestures!)
Men - Women - Kids

.:: Rose Basket NomNom ::.
Pink Glitter

+ Attaches to Mouth
+ Includes *LC* Clickies! Chat Menu System. Click the item and choose from the options on the drop down menu for your item to "talk". Has an easy to use menu with ability to set user permissions (Everyone, Group Only, Owner Only)
+ Sculpted Prims

Visit my main store for more great products & be sure to join the subscribe-o-matic update group!

LacieCakes Keywords:
toothbrush, tooth brush, mouthie, mouth, mouth accessory, nomnom, mouthy, accessory, accessories, fun, chat menu, chat sayings, interactive, laciecakes, gift, present

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