Lettere MESH + Tastiera rezzer
Carattere : Taoma
n°3 facce: anteriore, laterale, posteriore
1 lettera = 1 prim LI (circa)
tastiera rezzer = 8 prim LI
TUTTI I PERM COMPLETI (script inclusi)
ISTRUZIONI (vedi semplice e salva la foto)
1) cursore rez
2) scrivere (toccare i caratteri)
3) Se vuoi cambiare i colori
3a) seleziona il volto
3b) Scegli il colore
4) collega tutti i personaggi
5) rimuovere lo script (importante: gli script vengono utilizzati solo durante l'elaborazione)
Nota: se commetti un errore è OK, elimina tutto e ricomincia.
se vuoi fare un secondo ricordo scritto rimosso
script nel primo e spostato.
L'operazione di collegamento richiede l'autorizzazione dell'utente
e pochi secondi di tempo.
Jumbo Core Creation - Copyright riservato
not my fav
try using it and nuttin work go figure
Neat item but land impact puts me off
This item is good for making words for something like store signs, only problem is when you make a word the land impact is not that good, for example I made a 5 letter word and the land impact was 5, this might be ok if you own a whole sim and have tons of land impact to play with but for someone who has limited Li a few signs dotted around soon ups the limit quick. I've tried making the words smaller and it does lower it but the words were so small they were hardly worth having. I think I should have just brought word packs for what I need as I can have whole words for only 1Li.
I've given 3 stars as it is a well made item, it is useful but the land impact makes it unusable for me personally.
Thank you for making it. It's brilliant! I'm gonna buy it in other fonts if you make it :D
i do recommend for anyone easy to please for some mesh making words