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Lucky Duck 2.0 (Copy Version)(Packed)

Lucky Duck 2.0 (Copy Version)(Packed)

We recently opened several malls in second life, and wanted to put something in place that would ensure good traffic. We didn't want to use any regular camping devices because of the costs, so we settled on using some lucky chairs.

We shopped around second life looking for the perfect lucky chair, but couldn't find a really superior product. So we at Temporal Gadgets decided to create the ultimate lucky chair. And now this chair is available in both single no-copy versions and in a copyable no-transfer version. We are proud to announce the release of the Lucky Beanbag, and the Lucky Duck lucky chair systems.

Both lucky chair systems have the following advanced features:

Fully controlled via the built-in menu.

Fully configurable from the configuration notecard.

Prizes awarded to names beginning with numbers as well as letters, to accommodate all your visitors.

Chair and Backboard colors can be changed to your decor.

Comes pre-loaded with 30 prizes -- just rez, configure, and go. The only lucky chairs in Second Life to offer this feature.

Add your own prizes and textures whenever you choose.

Display the image of any lucky prize you include in the chair -- just drop the texture into the contents.

Set your own cycle time for letter/number changes.

Set your own volume. The chair will whisper, say, or shout to your visitors.

Set your own menu command channel. This allows operation of multiple seats with ease.

Re-sizable backboard.

Place your own logo on the chair's top banner to advertise your place of business.

All lucky seat systems are very low-prim.

Great particle poofs with cute sound effects when prizes are awarded.

Lucky seats are entirely legal. Because you don't pay a wager into the seat, it can't be considered a gaming device.

Allows awarding cash prizes for added draw. You control the amount and the frequency -- or use freebie prizes only.

Default "gift" Image used if the chair doesn't find a correctly named image. No need to create your own images if you don't want to.

Owner only command channel. No accident set to channel zero, no one else can activate or configure your lucky chair.

Very simple to set up, very simple to use, we think this is the perfect lucky seat in second life. Try one and you'll agree.

Come Visit our main shop in Semoshi!

Come Visit our second shop in Strigoiu!

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