2016/02/09 Ver3.2
Fix the accelerator.
Change the chat from whisper to private message.
2015/03/14 Ver3.0
Michie Marine Rubber Boat Ver.3
------- control keys ---------
W or up arrow is speed up.
S or down arrow is slowdoun.
A or left arrow is turn left.
D or right arrow is turn right.
shift + D or right arrow is stop & moor
shift + A or left arrow is sngine stop & engine up.
E or page up is start or Cruise on.
C or page down is Cruise off.
------- click the body to open menu.-------
Owner menu is driver mode or select coior.
Driver menu is start or stop.
2015/03/14 Michie Yokosuka
Thank you for having you be interested in a rubber boat.
Please enjoy speed, rolling, water spray by simple operation.
driver and 4 passenger on RubberBoa.
21,July,2010 ver2.5 changes.
1. It is mode setting with an owner, a group, anyone. I am involved and use the owner menu without boating.
2. I change in a temporary REZ state when I take it.
Only an owner can remove this than a menu.
3. With a menu, it cut it by a color change anytime.
4. Change object is modify.
23,May,2008 Ver.2.0
I improve the script of the boat,shake!
choose 12 colors(on rez during 30seconds)
Very good this boat in construction and excellent in the scripts!
Thanks again Michie!
Fantastic !!
I love it !! Easy to handle even for a novice like me and boy, does it go ! A small problem is, my butt sticks out a little from the back of the boat, tho' I can live with that.....lol. Thank you for your kindness Michie !!
Great inflatable boat.
Yay, I like it. I found it a bit tricky to control at first, but it is my first power boat. I don't think it is too difficult when you get the hang of it.
Good realistic inflatable boat, and controllable.
I found I had to try sitting several times, but once in the right position, at the back, to the right of the engine, it can be sailed OK.
Pretty fast but with skill it is controllable. Nice realistic movements and exhause smoke.
Best controlled with keyboard.
(Rating 5* based on the fact that it was free).