Demo for eastern dragon bento sets.
Nearly perfect
I would only suggest making another rigged set.
The higher set are great.
But can there be a tail that is set a little more out?
For those of us that have a little more exaggerated bottoms. XD
Quit nitpicking!!!!
I can't believe the last two reviews. Going to cry about two little things like that! What was important to me was the tail and ears, and the demo has them. One can gather enough info on how the rest of the parts will look without a need to try them on, just saying. It's not like hair lol Anyways, I was happy with how the tail and ears fit (glad a few heights are included as well as ear positions!) and super freckin happy that the tail curves when you sit! The animations are good, too. Overall good enough for me to buy and very glad as its going to be apart of a furry look I'm putting together that requires it.
Really nice demo but for the coloring hud and notes being slightly off.
Unfortunate there is no coloring on the set (hud is missing) but that is fine for this kind of thing as they only had “demo” on it to note it’s status. The note card needs updating with what a person is getting in this set as oppossed to teh main set. The plus side - the objects are very good. The info given is effective. All this person needs is a person to send the demo to and them to give them a list back of fixes and contents to get most of the ‘bugs’ out here. as it is a demo and they did not put in a hud that is twice promised and the note card MUST be updated to tell the difference between the finished product and what the demo shows it is minus one star. Mostly a good job here but Murder... it is a simple fix (I am guessing about a half hour or an hour) half hour and you should do it to get your last star on this. Based on this I say get it and see if it willl make your Dragon Secondlife sexier.. something tells me you will be happily using the full set.
Not that great
Came without the backfur or horns as display in image so couldn't really get a good idea of how it'd look properly. Disappointing unfortunately.