Mesh Studio
Mesh Studio is now bundled with Sculpt Studio.
Please follow the "related items" link below !
- (Multiple) Object(s) to Mesh (Collada)
- All Prim-Types (except Sculpties&Mesh)
- All Prim Torture Params
- LSL + Web Service (both very fast and clean)
- more tools and features are being added over time
Worked fine until the server died
Its been month since the server stopped working and no one seems to be able to turn it back online.
So you get a bunch of scripts that does nothing.
Mesh Studio ist ohne Funktion
Leider funktioniert seit einigen Tagen das gekaufte Mesh Studio nicht mehr
Woran es liegt konnte mir niemand sagen von daher muss ich die Bewertung drastisch herunter schrauben bis der Fehler behoben wurde
TheBlack Box meldet sich auch nicht was sehr schade ist.
Unfortunately, the Mesh Studio we purchased has stopped working for a few days
No one could tell me what the problem was, so I had to drastically reduce the rating until the error was fixed
TheBlack Box doesn't answer either, which is a shame.
L$ 4,999
Unpacking Required
This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.
- Copy
- Modify
- Transfer
- User Licensed