G General



Booms, Hook are fully animated

Size L10m x W8.7m x H43.5m(max)

[Modfy:OK Copy:OK] but scripts are[Modfy:NO]

[ Operations ]
(1) Key operations for Car-mode
Foward Arrow--Go ahead
Back Arrow----Go back
Right Arrow---turn right
Left Arrow----turn left
Page Up-------power up
Page Down-----power down

(2) Hud operations for Crane-mode
( Please refer the snap-shot of the Hud )
Change Car-mode/Crane-mode
Extend/Retrieve the boom
Up/Down the boom
Turn CW/CCW the boom
Up/Down the hook
Reset the Crane to initial-state (Car-mode)

You have to stop one-operation by clicking the red button to start another operation.

(3) Ride on
1) Wear the "Crane_HUD_2"
2) Rez the "Mobile_Crane_v2.*"
3) Mouse-right-click the upper-body of Mobile_Crane.
4) Select "Sit Here", , then you can drive the Movile_Crane in the "Car-mode".
To stop the idle-sound, click the orange-body.
5) To change to Crane-mode, you have to be at Rez-OK area where auto-return time is
more than 5-minutes because some parts have to be rezed for "Crane-mode".
(These parts are re-rezed automaticaly by scripts in 4-minutes cycle.)
Then click the button"Crane". The ground-catcher will be extended, and you can
control in the Crane-mode by HUD.
6) To return to Car-mode, Boom must be at home-position, be lowered and be shrinked.
After then click "Car"-button and the ground-catcher will be retrieved, and you can
derive as a car.

(4) Get off
1) Click the button "Stand" at the button of the Viewer.
2) You can use HUD too in that state.
3) If you want to stop playing, please click the button"Reset" of HUD

(5) To Stop Scripts
To display Mobile_Crane with "Crane-mode", you have better stop scripts of this.
1) Right-click the Mobile_Crane and select "Edit".
2) Left-click the Tub"Build" tab of the viewer and select "Scripts" > "Set Scripts
to Not Running"

(6) Others
a)To pick-up the Load
1) Rez the "load_box"
2) Down the "hook" by hud to near-center of and above 0.5m from top of the load.
3) Click "link" button of the HUD
If the "hook" is far from "load_box", you can not link(pick-up) it.

b) To pick-up your-self
1) Get-off when Mobile_Crane is "Crane-mode".
2) Move cursol of mouse to "hook"(sit-mark will appear) and click it.

c) To pick-up the passenger
When you are sitting on the driver's-seat, passenger can sit (be hanging pose) on to
the "hook".

d) To put-off the "load_box" or hanging-avatar, please click "Unlink" button of the HUD.

[Other keyword]
Crane, Mobile-crane, Mobile crane, Crane-Truck, Crane Truck, Truck,Construction

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dosent work
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted October 18, 2015 by Ashley204 Pizzaro

the crane drives so stiff u need to make a 13 point turn
also it dosent pickup things like it says so is it worth buying um no unless u need a paperwwueght for ur sim to look more realistic construction site move ment is stifff hud dosent respond to the commands and crane dose its own thing also the tires arent mesh so ya there prim

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