Mouselook Camera Adjuster HUD
Adjust your mouselook camera up or down. I'd have included left/right/forward/back, but the viewer does not allow that
It works by moving your mEyeLeft bone. This is invisible on bento heads, but will cause your eyeball to be out of place on most older heads. The viewer uses mEyeLeft to calculate the mouselook camera height.
Thank you to TECH (tech.robonaught) for the idea and the hud texture.
Relevant viewer code:
So much YES
This is exactly what i was after, mouselook shooting from my shuttle was a nightmare thanks to the cockpit blocking me, but this puts my eyes just outside the hull so i can fly and shoot at what im trying to shoot :D Though with the new BOM eyes and such, it does send an eyeball out...but, when not flying just turn off the HUD and back in your head it goes