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Necromancer : Rise of the Fallen HUD Spellfire SCM Version 1

Necromancer : Rise of the Fallen HUD Spellfire SCM

────────────────────━══ Solarium Presents ══━────────────────────

Necromancer : Rise of the Fallen HUD

───━══ Introduction ══━───
this hud has been on my to-do list for a long time now, but I really couldn't think of a way to do it
that would really do the necromancer justice
I hope thats what i've managed to achieve with this

the hud consists of 2 pages, combat and Roleplay

───━ STANCE ━───
turns a stance on and off - the purpose of the stance is to create a smoother flow between animations.

───━ SOUL SKULL ━───
cast a skull projectile in the direction of your target, explodes on impact

───━ DEAD BOLT ━───
shots a necromancer dark magic flame

───━ DARK STRIKE ━───
shoot dark lightning from the palm of your hand

───━ DARK ASSULT ━───
summons a number of magic orbs around an arcane circle, then shoots all forwards towards a single target

───━DEAD REACH ━───
command the dead to reach from their graves to grab at your victims (SCM meter will pull the victim into the ground)

───━ NECRO PUNCH ━───
pull a giants fist from the ground punching upwards and knocking victims into the sky

raise a dead archer from the ground and use him as your own minion (can raise a maximum of 3)
control a single archer by clicking on them, or control the group by using the "control minions button"
command options are -
Follow - follows you around
Attack -choose a target within your range
Berserk - they will attack any av they're close to

───━ AXE MINION ━───
raise a dead Axe warrior from the ground and use him as your own minion (can raise a maximum of 3)
control a single Axe warrior by clicking on them, or control the group by using the "control minions button"
command options are -
Follow - follows you around
Attack -choose a target within your range
Berserk - they will attack any av they're close to

cast a fog of dark corrosive magic which will slowly eat away at a victims health if they enter the fog

PRESS AND HOLD THIS BUTTON to cast your shield around you, when impacted the barrier will flash

───━ FIRE CIRCLE ━───
summons a ring of dark magic fire around you, people who enter will receive damage

───━ LIFE STEAL ━───
projectile that when hitting a target will drain their health and give it to you

───━ LIFE RESTORE ━───
PRESS AND HOLD THIS BUTTON to cast a healing orb, use the directional keys to move the orb into yourself, or someone else to heal them

raise magical candles (press to summon - press again to delete)

───━ SUMMON LIGHT ━───
bring forth a eerie green light (press to summon - press again to delete)

summon your necromancer throne (press to summon - press again to delete)

───━ SUMMON DESK ━───
summons a work desk complete with books, cauldron, scrolls, skull and the necronomicon book (press to summon - press again to delete)

───━ SUMMON BOOKS ━───
a ring of floating books appear around you (press to summon - press again to delete)

───━ EYE GLOW ━───
makes your eyes glow and spooky green (press to activate - press again to deactivate)

───━ MEDITATE ━───

───━ VANISH━───
vanish from sight in a blast of green lightning (press to vanish, press again to appear)

───━ TAUNT ━───
strike fear into your victims by taunting them, blasting bolts of lightning from your hands into the sky

press to turn on, press again to turn off, or alternative remove the typing animation attatchment
───━══Ending Notes══━───

In case you have any other questions, found a bug or something else, feel free to drop a notecard or IM me if im online.

In the meantime, please join --=Solarium=--
We use this group to release notices about new products, updates and occasional hunts and freebies.

Enjoy \o

  • raise a small army
  • necromancer dark magic
  • spellfire and SCM damage
  • combat and roleplay pages
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My love, my love.
full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 20, 2014 by Telepathic Foresight

It is my love. No, but really the HUD is very excellent. There is a great lacking of good necromancy spells in Second Life. My favourite bits of this are definitely the skeleton conjurations and having them chase after my opponents, which is fun as well because the summon have their own health.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 11, 2014 by Elly Roxan

This hud is amazing and the deads are a good opponent to fight against if you dont have a sparing partner. I am impressed the pentagram looks really nice too and the typing effect is a funny bonus

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted December 07, 2013 by LanceCMcClain

I'm am thoroughly impressed. This has to be the best HUD I've seen for a very long time! Thank you for making it and not makeing the $L price insanily high

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Worth It
full star full star full star full star full star Posted November 17, 2013 by Yoh Darkfire

i loved this hud
when i got it i was so happy, it worked well and did everything it was said, and its the only necromancer hud that actually lets u summon skeletons, the only thing im disappointed is that it has limited summons, but i assume its just to not lag the sim with an army of skeletons all over the place.
this hud is jsut awesome for both rp, and actually fighting since you can just swarm with skeletons

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waste of 700 lindens
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted September 10, 2013 by Havoc6458

Can't Get the Hud to work. I was really looking forward to raiseing the dead. It's a waste of 700 lindens that I worked for and now can't get them 700 Lindens back. Thanks for nothing.

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A great product with great customer service.
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 20, 2013 by rombotron

Not only was this amazing HUD worth every L$ I spent on it but after a mix up I contacted Rynn and was met with a quick answer and solution withing five minutes. I would highly recommend this product to anyone looking for a fantastic magic HUD.

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