Petite Bebe
Please read the following:
Products of Petite Bebe are for TODDLEEDOO mesh avatars only!
This outfit contains:
* Skirt {BABY}
* Skirt (KID}
* Tank Top {BABY}
* Tank Top {KID}
* Flat Shoes
* Notecard with information on how to use the contents.
To stay updated about new releases, you can either like our Facebook page, or click on the Subscribe-O-Matic in the mainstore. Do both is an option too of course!
There is also a group called "Petite Bebe". This group cost L$300 to join. All members of this group will always receive extra store credit on all product purchases plus I will announce when there are free gifts at the store (for members only).
See item in Second LifeI would pay more for this !
This is my favorite outfit!