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-PL- Celzium #03'DNA' by Cel Edman Version (v.01)

-PL- Celzium #03'DNA' by Cel Edman

Waiting for SL2? You now can already make mesh-models in SL, save them onto your hard-disk. Use them in SL, other games, or whatever. Build your own creative portfolio.

Celzium is an inworld mesh creation tool for SecondLife.

Celzium #03'DNA' has 44 nature/land-scaping shapes, and also can be used together with other Celzium packs, so more sub-meshes/building-blocks to choose from!
All models are low-poly, optimised for SL and all include an (optimised) UV-texture layout.

This pack is more about nature type of shapes, nice for landscaping, Rocks, Trees, Flowers etc.

You can select/rez the sub-meshes buildingblocks from celzium, and create more complex build with these,
Upto 8 different textures/materials are supported, includes UV-texturing and layout. Upto 200 sub-meshes can be rezzed and converted to a collada .dae file.
The final output will be a single mesh-object, optimised for low LandImpact SL builds.
You can upload into SL, or like blender and other 3D software packages.

I allow people to use, give away and sell the creations created with celzium (if using more then 2 building-blocks of this tool ) inworld, on other grids, to use for graphic & games, your portefolio.
(Selling or distributing the the individual building blocks of celzium I do not allowed at the moment)
And I would ask you to be wise about the distribution of your work, like giving it out copy/mod.
So your creation doesn't endup in a full-perm big biab-pile.

Although I work with standalone 3Dsoftware, I still love the ease of building and sketching in SL, for fine-tuning for certain models.

Quick video demo on Celzium:

Celzium Introduction video:

The idea behind it is, easy to create mesh objects and builds. From beginning to more advanced builders. Its nice to have an inworld tool, from simple sketching, collision models for your more complex builds.. etc.

Can these shapes be cut like sl prims?
No, the shapes are individual types of mesh themself, low-poly mesh-objects including the UV-layout. They can be scaled/rotated/translated, like sculpties. In the future I want to add more mesh shapes and Celzium addons to choose from.
(There are some other tools around for 'normal' sl-prims to 3D-models incase you need that)

Second Life client
You need land in SL where you can create and build, and can use scripts.
The tool itself is 1-prim, and 1 prim for each for every building block rezzed (max 200+)
Only the owner of the tool, can use it

A recent browser
To convert the data generated in celzium to a .dae collada file.
Current supports Firefox/Chrome/Safari/Opera with java-script enabled.
---> (the xml-file generation is not working on the current Internet-Explorer browser at the moment!)

(information and more mesh tutorials)

For this tool I had in mind, simple/easy to use.

Cel Edman's Pixel Lab - Claremorris (4,25,23)
Cel Edman's Pixel Lab - Houlihan (6,226,251)

If you got a question, just let me know, (when i`m not online; leave me a notecard)

(currently the extra/alternate images I got for this pack won't show on the marketplace, I try again tomorrow)
Meanwhile some images on google+ :

The 2 new celzium pads and shapes

Getting the most out of mesh and LI-builds

A little 1-LI bonsai tree - created with Celzium #03'DNA' - using 111 sub-meshes

Another little 1-LI bonsai tree - created with Celzium #03'DNA' - using 127 sub-meshes
wireframe version:

See item in Second Life View Video »
  • Celzium is an in-world Mesh creation tool
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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Expert Prim-builder's Prayer
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 21, 2019 by Qa Boa

I've been in SL a long time and I can build a mean prim and though I know 3D modeling expertly, it's been years since I've done it (Sculpt 3D on Amiga, anyone?) So this is truly an excellent answer to building with prims and converting to DAE "mesh" and well-optimized for the SL grid.

At first, I couldn't get the converter to work for me and contacted the creator. As of this writing I still haven't heard back, though I've found the issue: In your chatbox, you MUST set your chat to appear in VERSION 1 VIEWER STYLE - where the object chat includes the object name on each line of the chat. The Version 2 style where the object name appears above its chat will not work. So a simple formatting fix was all it took.

Furthermore, you can download a "local" copy of the computer that will run on your Windows, Mac, Linux - anything with a supported web browser and javascript. Thus, this product is future-proof, you need not be concerned that the web host for the converter remains on the Internet.

Though not every shape you could want is here (in all of the shape packs) it is only a matter of using the prim editing tools as you already know them to get the result you want.

Three thumbs up for this. Truly worth the asking price.

My scale:
* = save your money! Utter crapola.
** = Less than expected, but generally satisfactory; caveat emptor.
*** = Pretty much as advertised, neither impressed nor unimpressed.
**** = Pleasantly surprised, you get more than what you pay for.
***** = Stunning value; high-quality, underpriced for what you get; you cannot go wrong.

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As always with Cel's product...
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 29, 2017 by Web Gearbox

State of the art tool. One of best L$ spends for years in SL.

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I really like Cel's products.
full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 14, 2015 by BlondGayMatureMan

I have all 3 and I keep them rezzed all the time on the sim, since I use them very often.

I am hoping Cel will create another 1 or 2 with even more shapes.

I'd also, as a feature request, see an option to add our own mesh shapes so that they'd be usable with the 3 Celzium Generators.

Great products. Well worth the L$

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Thank you!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 13, 2014 by Raindrop Lowbeam

Thank you!

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