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SABERTOOTH Avatar ~ Discounted Version 1.2

SABERTOOTH Avatar ~ Discounted

Riding systems are no longer supported, as such we are now offering a 25% discount on items with broken riding systems.
Update 1.2 Riding System now Added!

Fully Rigged Mesh Avatar custom made for Second Life.
Prowling straight from the Ice Age and offered to you now larger than life and ready to rip into your role play experience! 3 meter tall AV!

SABERTOOTH Avatar includes

- Full Animation Over-ride
- 21 custom animations + paw lick, feed, and drink, 24 total animations
(70 Animations total with all attachments)
- 4 walk / run animations and speeds
- talking jaw with on off (talking sounds with on off included)
- paw licking animation (rigged mesh animated tongue)
- FEED action (bloody messy feed with sounds and particle effects)
(teeth and claws stay bloody for several seconds after feeding)
- drink action (animated drinking animation with sounds and animated tongue)
- full menu (host of controls for your animation over-ride)
- walks, runs, jumps, sits, landing, pre-jumping, hovering, flying, crouching, crouch walking, etc

- Dance Hud 9 custom Saber Dances with multiple speeds 23 total animations
- disco (2 speeds)
- bob (3 speeds)
- highstep (3 speeds)
- side slide (2 speeds)
- smooth (3 speeds)
- headbob (2 speeds)
- twist (2 speeds)
- headtoss (3 speeds)
- twirk (3 speeds) ---- > if this doesn't get you laughing nothing will! (yes this is included)

- Extra Animations HUD 14 extra animations
- 5 sits and lays (lay on side, lay curled, lay relaxed, two sits)
- 4 head controls (twist right 'tilted look', twist left 'tilted look', look right, look left)
- 5 interactive animations (crouch, jump, snarl, roar, swipe, 'including sounds')

- Customization HUD
- 5 locked jaw positions (independent of AO and overrides all other jaw animations)
- claws and teeth bloody or clean
- 18 custom eye textures
- 14 hand panted furs/skins included
- 10 eye glow settings + or - or off

- Weapon System (we do not guarantee legality of this system on all SIM's you must check local rules)
(SABERTOOTH comes with enhanced AO speed and jump which can be turned off for SIMS that require it)
- Multi meter system compatible (GM, DCS, CCS, GLM, Safezone, and many other styles)
- Full melee damage (sword style)
- 4 speeds and ranges (short range fastest speed, slow mid, long mid, Long range slowest speed)
- gestures and chat commands included (can use your own gestures)
- Auto on or off ( toggle between single click attack or hold down attack continuous)
- auto extends and retracts claws when system is drawn or sheathed
(claws can be extended or retracted independent of weapon system as well)

- Talking jaw and sounds (on or off independent of each other) fully rigged mesh jaw

- Blood vision mouse-look HUD - See through the eyes of the beast!
(this is pretty awesome, you need to be in mouse-look to see it but if you do not like it you can just remove it.)

- Removable / Chang-able / Modify-able parts (scripts and animations will be no mod)
- whiskers (eye and mouth whiskers)
- saver teeth ( mesh right and left )
- lower teeth ( rigged mesh lower teeth )
- upper teeth ( mesh upper teeth )
- eyes
- claws ( mesh right, left, front and rear, 16 individual claws )
- main avatar body ( full rigged mesh body )
- tail ( mesh tail )
- All HUD's attachments can be removed and some can be customized (scripts and animations no mod)

We have tried to make this Avatar our best one yet with every feature we could add. Free updates for life.
SABERTOOTH Avatar is created by Eternal Stillwater copyright 2015 all rights reserved No part of this mesh, textures, objects, huds, scripts or any other associated item may be used inside or outside of Second life for any purpose other than person use.

See item in Second Life
  • Full Animation Override
  • Extra Animations HUD
  • Dance HUD
  • Weapon System
  • Mod and Copy
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Too Big
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted October 20, 2015 by Stormie Foxdale

It could be halve. too large. Needs to be a bit smaller. Can you fix that?
Other than that its a great av, with all the huds.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 08, 2015 by RoseaGrey

its a little larger then the normal saber tooth but it is awesome!! I love all the options and features!

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