SALE - ILLI - Handbags v2 (with hold pose)
→ Handbags (175L after promo ends)
- 100% Mesh Handbags
Resize on touch
Shoulder Pose (anim prior 4)
Hand Pose (anim prior 4)
warning! AO needs to be prior 3 (old ones are 4)
- Textures HUD
May show as no mod due HUD/Resize script but it is modify.
This product is |COPY|MOD only and does require unpacking (able to wear and unpack)
↯ If this product is not delivered, send me a notecard and i'll redeliver it (do supply transaction details)
↯ Make sure you are not 'busy' or 'away' ingame when you buy on Marketplace (this could cause deliver failures)
↯ Don't forget to leave a 5 star review if you liked this good reviews are very helpfull
- 100% Mesh
- HUD Driven
- Materials Enabled
It's a great little bag and love the colour HUD but while holding it, my avi's arm looks like it's having a fit (with or without my AO turned on).
Great accessory!
Love this bag! Starting out modeling and collecting accessories becomes pricey so I am always looking for things that are versatile. I tried bag, liked it a I got the messenger bag as well!
L$ 74
Unpacking Required
This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.
More info
- Copy
- Modify
- Transfer
- User Licensed