☺SEE Scale #2 for No Floating Text... This is a Full Perm Scripted Device (that you rez on your land) to measure the number of scripts and the memory usage of the scripts your Avatar is wearing. It can be very useful to determine if the clothes or hair or HUDs or AO's you have on are causing Lagg or Teleport problems for you and others in the SIM you are in. This item is being offered as an attempt to improve the SL Community by decreasing the workload of the SL Servers. Please respect the intent with which this product is being offered by NOT trying to resell the item or the script. Thanks go out to Chalice Yao for providing this script to the SL Community...
// Scale script by Chalice Yao - 1/2011
// Copyright (C) 2011
// Terms of use:
// If you pass this on, please leave it full permissions
// This script may not be resold alone as a script,
// or in a package of scripts.
// This header must not be removed.
- Full Permissions
- Shows How Many Scripts You Are Wearing
- Shows How Much Memory Those Scripts Are Using
- See The Description For Info On The Script Usage And Copyright
- You MAY NOT Resell This Script Or Item, In Part Or As A Whole
Reports avatar script count and attachment memory usage upon stand on it. Nice. :3
Buy this people and use it. Help support this guy for offering such an outstanding product...and help reduce lag in SL. Something we ALL want.
Great product - very simple to use and works very well. Just what was needed! Thank you! Recommended!