Group of 6 Ugg Boots makers scripts, through which you showing as creator of the sculpt.
Each scripts deletes itself after built the sculpt.
Easy to build: with Auto-build System you'll make your shoes in minutes. No mirrors to do manually: you'll receive the Auto-Build for right and left shoe.
- 6 sculpt scripts
- 7 shadows maps (1024x1024)
- Auto- Build System for right and left shoe
- invisiprim + invisimap
- wearable examples with full perm
- posing stand
- istructions.
TERMS OF USE: (please, read carefully)
Buying this item you agree to the following Terms of Use:
•Buying a sculpts pack you don't get the rights on the maps which remain the exclusive property of Inside, but only the license to use them to create items that you can sell ONLY as part of your creation.
•IS NOT ALLOWED sell or distribute these sculpts both copy and transf permissions, as freebie or dollarbie and/or as part of a Business in a box, on Second Life® world and in others platforms.
•Our sculpts are licensed to be used within Second Life® world only. IS NOT ALLOWED to export it in other grids.
Infingments of these terms of use will be subjected to DMCA.
IMPORTANT: THIS IS A SET FOR DEVELOPERS. With "full perm" means that you'll receive the tools to make a sculpts with full perm and for which you'll show as creator, and not you will receive with full perm these tools.
© inVerse, 2010
Great Job
Great boots for the Lindens...
Nothing like the pictures
I bought this and I'm not convinced the picture is of the actual sculpts she sends you. The sculpts are choppy and the baked textures are blotchy, like they are copies of the original. They don't have the trim on the edge either. If you don't believe me, go to her store and check out the actual demo model. That's what they look like, not the picture. I'm so disappointed and she won't do anything about it because they are full perm.
i dont like it because the sculpties are not well made to put on the textures, sculpties inworld are not as nice as they look like on the photo and you cant make them smaller with the scripts it goes 1 by 1 and its hard to link it all together again! They are too big