This is for all you browncoats out there!
My personalized version of the ship Serenity from the show Firelfy.
**** It is and extremely HIGH PRIM COUNT replica (1550 LAND IMPACT) with a footprint of approximately 64 by 64 meters.
This ship DOES NOT FLY!
This has been a really fun project for me to work on.
Basic Overview:
* Touch toggle landing gear.
* Small panel outer starboard side of cargo hold opens ~ inside panel rezzes a ladder.
~ ONLY ONE PERSON AT A TIME may use ladder.
~ Ladder is TEMP and will delete after a short time.
~ Second panel inside neck of ship works the same.
* Two bikes hang inside cargo hold. Touch to rez.
* Small umbrella giver near bicycles.
* Yellow control box hangs from drop-down cord on ramps inside cargo hold.
~ There are three different vehicles that this controller will rez.
~ Each are set to TEMP when rezzed.
~ Once seated, TEMP is removed. When standing vehicle is set to TEMP again.
~ In theory this SHOULD allow you to hop of the vehicle for a short time and be able to return to it.
* ALL orange doors can be locked by owner.
~ As owner . . touch and HOLD for a second or two and you will hear the door lock.
~ Touch and hold again to unlock.
*Crew quarters in the neck of the ship.
~ Side panels open and you enter by dropping down.
~ MOUSE LOOK If you are uncomfortable using mouselook, I suggest you practice it a bit.
It is EXTREMELY USEFULL negotiating tight areas.
~ I debated on putting some kind of tp ball in each bunkroom to aid in getting out but chose not to.
~ It is fairly easy to just make sure the hatch is open and fly out,
You bounce of the ceiling and end up in the center of the hall.
* Cockpit port side control panels work the engines.
~ The control pane is 5 sections.
Center section toggles rear engine on and off.
Inner left and right sections off you a dialog menu to work each Vertical Lift Off/Land Engine.
Outer left and right sections toggle each engine on or off.
~ Just play with them a bit. You' get them figured out. You have to cam outside the ship and watch as you do.
* Two working shuttles.
~ Enter either shuttle. Find pilots seat and sit.
~ DO NOT START SHUTTLE when seated. FIRST find ships outer door and DEPLOY shuttle from the shuttle bay.
Shuttle doors will open/retract and shuttle will slide out into position.
~ Outer doors on the main ship are touch toggle to deploy and retract each shuttle.
You will have to cam OUTSIDE the ship most likely, and touch the door.
~ Wait for shuttle to deploy. Once in position you may touch shuttle for menu and enable flight.
~ When returning, landing shuttle in proper position is EXTREMELY important.
Fly shuttle over landing grid. Touch shuttle and de-select flight,
'landing' the shuttle and placing it in ground mode.
***Gently nudge shuttle around until it DROPS into position within square grid.
Touch shuttle again to turn off engine.
Touch door of shuttle bay (wich should still be in the open postion), to retract and close shuttle bay doors.
You may NOW disembark shuttle safely.
~ Shuttles may be landed on either side.
Those are pretty much the main points of interest. Poke around for others.
This ship is MODIFY ~ tweak it to your needs.
- Deployable flyable Shuttles
- Multiple vehicles ~ Mule, 4 Wheeler, Hoverbike, bicycle
- Easy positioning RezFaux Rezzer
- Controllable working engines.
This ship has all the Easter eggs
If you are a true fan of firefly, you are going to love this build. So many things to find and explore. And the extras are incredible. I'd give it more stars if I could.
Amazing, Beautiful, Must Have
This is amazing and beautiful, it's a must have! There's so many rooms I haven't found them all.