Make your own picture frame with slideshow!
Slideshow script with the following menu options:
- Access = switch access: Owner >>> Group >>> Public (Owner only).
- ATD yes/no = Allow others To Drop items into the picture frame except scripts (Owner only).
- Hold = to freeze the picture.
- On/off = to turn the slideshow on/off and option to set a default picture in off mode.
- Enter UUID = to set your own picture when off.
- Light = to set full bright on/off.
- Black edges = to make the edges black (Owner only).
- Reset = to reset the script and install the default settings (Owner only).
- Help = to see menu functions in local chat and for not owners how to add pictures into the frame.
- Cycle time = to set a cycle time between 5 seconds and 1 hour.
- Fade-in fade-out system.
- The pictures are shown in a random order.
- The number of pictures you can drag in, has no limit.
- The object where this script is in can be linked to other parts.
- Your object must be modify to put the script in.
- This script is no modify and no transfer.
- Preload system (anti blur).
- Notecard how to use.
Good luck with the script.
If you have no idea how to make a frame, use the picture frame creator script. This will do it for you.
- Unlimited number of pictures.
- Notecard how to use.
- Menu controlled.
- Anti blur system.
- Access Control
The script works well
The script works well and the creator is very approachable and kind, that matters a lot when you need help she's there to follow up. Thank you♥
Excellent slideshow pic viewer
This version have a good option to turn off completely the script, more... have the option to add a default picture/texture to show when the script is on off mode. Don't give 5 stars because never do it. 5 stars is the perfection and the perfection never ends. :)