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Sword of Fire (Spell Fire Version)

Sword of Fire (Spell Fire Version)

Click to draw/sheath sword.
Use direction keys to attack.
Type "/77 flame" to toggle flame particle effects on and off.

Compatible with the Spellfire combat system.

My complete catalog of necklaces, magic staves, and wands is available at my main store in SL: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Euryale/211/11/234.

Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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Nice sword for smaller avatars.
full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 25, 2013 by Jman Foxclaw

My avatar stands 5ft tall and his sword fits my avatar perfectly. If you have a super big avatar over 7ft tall, this item will seem more like a broadsword/dagger. The attack animations are pretty much like all other sword animations in SL. The fire effect is awesome, you won't find a sword with fire particles + spellfire at this price.

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