Feisty and sexy complete outfit in Army Green with matching accessories, including :
pants with lower flare prims
2 x legbands with pockets
3 x shirts (dirty, light and dark versions)
gloves with prim buckled wristbands
collar jewelry
hoop earrings
Terrible Customer Service.
I really like the outfit. What irritated me is the fact that it's 450ls and the only thing that changes is the top. When I bought it, I thought maybe the wrong picture got put up or something. That's happened to me before. But, no. I was highly disappointed when I found out the pants are the white camo. I sent a NC to the owner, but have yet to hear back.
Super Sexy
I bought this one on a whim and am so glad I did. Great outfit, the detailing looks amazing as it always does with T&S products!
Never Received
I purchased 2 of these one for me and one as a gift for a friend on May 24th (the black one) because I loved the Army Green one ...but I have not yet havent recived it yet. I've IM Phia Vaughan and have not recieved a responsed nor have I recieved my 900L. Looks like Im SOL