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The OnePoofer4All - english version (like Vector Interactor or Emo - but different!)

The OnePoofer4All - english version (like Vector Interactor or Emo - but different!)

You would like to throw some hearts at your beloved one and tell him / her that you love him / her so much?
You want to greet the guests in your club in a very special way?
Tell someone that you like him or her?
Be cheeky in a lovely way?
Many of you will know this toy already under a different name or brand. Sadly, those toys have been banned from many places, because the developers of those gadgets didn't keep an eye on the scripting and weren't aware of how much lag such a gadget can produce, if not carefully scripted. But such toys can really be fun!
*Moonlight Scriptz & Buildz* is well known for careful and environmentally friendly scripting and has now developed it's own interpretation of the most beloved toy thingie in the european (an US) club scene.
Here it is, fresh outta da box - our new OnePoofer4All...
Not a normal poofer.
Not an emoter.
Not only to wear on the avatar, but also to rez - especially for clubs and shops.
Operating the OnePoofer4All is simple - choose amongst (currently) more than 30 chatcommands and tell the poofer the first three or four characters of the name of the avatar you'd like to tell something. The command and the first characters of the avatar's name you then say on a special chat channel, the rest is handled by the OnePoofer4All.
The OnePoofer4All scans only the area around you where the desired avatar could 'hear' you, and it doesn't listen to chat channel 0. The amount of the emitted particles is bearable without looking cheap. All textures used in this gadget are max 256*256, most of them are smaller.
This results in a minimal amount of lag that the OnePoofer4All produces - and that is really different from the gadgets that are available on the market.
We have tested the OnePoofer4All extensively in several clubs where the owners were stricly against the usage of those toys. They were all amazed how smooth the OnePoofer4All works, and all of them have given the okay to use it in their clubs.
But there's even more: In the past, some people owned such tools and used it - and others who didn't own such a thingie, stood in the corners and looked sad.
Our OnePoofer4All always comes in TWO versions: one personal version to wear on your avatar and carry around wherever you go, plus one version to rez and to be used by everybody. So nobody is left out and feels sad...

The OnePoofer4All is in ongoing development - and each and every customer who bought one is entitled to free updates and expansions. You'll get notified as soon as they are available.
Of course, our OnePoofer4All is copyable and modifyable - so you can adjust the design (for example of the rez version) to fit your club or store design.

But I guess a demo would tell you more than thousand words of mine.

So get your demo today, feel it and try it:
Either in-world: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Starshine/202/236/22 (there's also a full version installed to test it)
or here on XStreet: https://www.xstreetsl.com/modules.php?name=Marketplace&file=item&ItemID=1684267
This product is also available in german language:
The OnePoofer4All in german: https://www.xstreetsl.com/modules.php?name=Marketplace&file=item&ItemID=1684193
and the german demo: https://www.xstreetsl.com/modules.php?name=Marketplace&file=item&ItemID=1684214

Also, we have put up a reseller program for the first time - so if you have a shop where this product might fit into, get your free reseller vendor in our mainstore and start earning (PG - rated).

Feeding the search engine: Vector Interactor (tm), Emo (tm), partikel, poofer, particle poofer, multi poofer, emoter, 1Poofer4All

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