Taking interactivity and little details to the next level, Skidz Threadz brings you the Tini Bikini.
Simple, yet well-thought out, it provides menu-driven actions, effects, and styles to you and those around you.
It is one of the most interactive and engaging pieces of clothing on the market today with actions such as:
Steal, Reclaim, Throw, Pickup, Tear, Mend, Untie, Tie, Remove and becoming Wet or Dry all while giving you FULL control over what can happen!
All with incredible textures, animations, sounds, effects, and little details that bring this bikini to life!
✫ Includes bikini top and bottom
✫ Fits Kemono, Starbright's Fitted Torso, and Rei's Chest
✫ Untie/Tie all the strings, each one resulting in a different look
✫ Steal, Reclaim, Throw, Pickup, Tear, Mend, Untie, Tie and Remove actions you and others can perform
✫ Enable/Disable each individual action from others
✫ Permissions for All/No One/Group (default No One)
✫ Custom animations for each tie and untie action on all position
✫ Options to change one of the top's tie to the front or back
✫ Menu-driven, no notecards to edit, no HUDs to wear
✫ 18 fantastic texture designs
┣━ Easy to add your own custom textures, just drop them in
┗━ Some matching textures for Ni Hai Socks
✫ Creator's Kit so you can make your own textures
┗━ Easy Diagrams, UV Maps, Ambient Occlusions, and Photoshop Masked off layers for each area
✫ Change colors of fabric, string, and string tips
┗━ Customize the colors yourself to match your other accessories
✫ Special effects when it gets wet bring it to life
┗━ Darkens, shiny, transparent with options for all
✫ Lots of options for controlling all the features, actions, effects, and look
✫ Single script controls each piece
✫ Skin tight so will fit under most other clothing
✫ Doesn't require you to wear both top and bottom
✫ Custom sound effect on some actions
✄ Steal
When someone steals an outfit piece, you must bump into the thief to get it back and tie it on.
If you are not able to, it will return after five minutes.
☄ Throw
A prim version of the piece will appear and be thrown nearby.
Touch it to pickup the piece and tie it back on.
彡 Tear
You will hear and see your item being torn as it happens.
Touch it and choose "彡Mend" from the menu to start the mending process.
It will takes two minutes to mend.
▽ Remove
Unties the outfit piece and will fade away as it detaches itself.
Can be worn again from your inventory.
→← Tie / ←→ Untie
Tie or Untie animation will play for each tie location and will result in a different look.
This includes on the top the back/front tie or the neck. For the bottom the side.
≈ Wet
% Trans - When wet your outfit can become slightly transparent. How much is up to you. Range is 0% to 56%
◎ Time - Here you can set how many minutes it takes your outfit to become dry again. Range is 1 to 40 minutes.
☑ Darken - If checked, the piece will appear to be darker when wet, just like the real world.
☑ Specular - If checked, the fabric will become shiny as if it is really wet.
☷ Notices - Note: Notices only take place when others take actions on your outfit.
☑ Chat Message - When checked you will receive notifications in the local chat window.
☑ Public - If checked chat notifications will be public for all to see, otherwise only you can see them.
☑ Extra Info - By default notifications will remind you that you can disable actions or set permissions. Here you can disable this extra info by unchecking it.
☑ Dialog - When checked you will receive your notifications in a dialog box (like the menus), making it more likely you will see it.
☊ Front / ☋ Back
On the top this will toggle to move the tie to the front or back.
۞ Textures
This will display a list of all the textures inside the piece. Currently there are 18 fantastic textures.
Some include:
Camouflage in many colors: Brown, Blue, BW, Orange, Green, Red, Pink, and Purple
Several textures to match many of the Ni Hai Socks as well
Even one that looks like Robot Princess's bikini. 10 points if you know who she is!
✎ Colors
Under Colors you can change the color of either the Fabric, Strings or String Tips
You can be change the colors in the notecard named "ColorsConfig"
≡ Interact
Enable/Disable actions other's can take
Distance - How close does an avatar need to be to interact with your outfit?
☯ Sync
After you've chosen your desired settings, click Sync to copy all the settings to the other outfit pieces.
☑ Permissions
Control who is allowed to pull up a menu.
No one - No one can interact with your outfit item.
All - Anyone can interact with your outfit item.
Group - Only members in the same group.
For customer support, please contact Skidz Tweak or Alayna Hutson.
And join the .::Skidz::. Threadz group for additional support and notices
- Includes bikini top and bottom
- Fits Kemono and Starbright's Fitted Torso and Rei's Chest
- Actions included Untie/Tie all the strings, Steal, Throw, Tear, and Remove
- Enable/Disable individual action and permissions for All/None/Group
- 18 texture designs/Change colors of fabric, string, and string tips
best bikini for the kemono!
Lots of features and customization, plus cute animations! really recommend. The only thing missing is a size for the petite fitted kemono torso. Love this thing!
Very cute but doesn't fit the Petite fitted torso
It's a nice bikini but doesn't have a top that fits the petite fitted kemono body, just the busty version.
Very Tini!!!!! and Puuurfect :D
So yeah this thing is great!!! supports BOTH of my main torsos the Starbright Busty and the Reis!!!! I love how you can change where it is tied, and hos you can strip it down, it is made very well and I haven't seen much if any clipping at all with the clothes I normally wear!!! Overall great product!!!
It is good, but when I change from Tie Back to Tie Front, only the aglet(edge of the tie) remains on the back.So I want the producer to update.
More Fitted items please
I love this it's good fun with mates and I would love more fitted torso options brilliant job meow~ <3
Love it.
Cute bikini with lots of good little details, like animations for putting on and taking off, different worn states, and interactivity. Fits well on default Kemono, Rei's Chest and Fitted Torso.