Tracking Spotlight

GCD -Tracking Spotlight System with Remote Control. -
With this system you can follow any avatar with the spotlight. You can also set the light beam to one of 10 colors or use the color cycle mode. You can also set permissions for the remote and set the remote channel the light uses, so you can have multiple lights all using a different channel and all following different avatars.
So ideal for stage, music. theaters and clubs where you want to highlight a particular person.
The pack also includes a HUD version of the remote and a couple of mounting options. A tripod (4 prim) and overhead truss mount (1 prim).
See item in Second Life- Tracking Spotlights
- Mesh Stage Tracking Lights
- Tracking Spotlight
Well worth it.
been using the older ones for a while and these are even better. 3 prims, copy, HUD controller, what more could you ask for!
L$ 249
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