When the item is delivered, look for them in your received folder in inventory.
You need to wear the and HUD.
Follow the following [http://www.fungamescentral.com/vf_lands.php] lands page to find a list of available fishing spots and running events.
Click one of the lands and it will offer to teleport you to that location.
When you are at the fishing location, find the buoy. You will have to stay close (20 meters) to the buoy or you will not be able to fish.
Once close to the buoy, click the [Hook] button on your HUD and wait until you have caught a fish.
The HUD will update and local chat will indicate when you have caught a fish.
After fishing, if you have reached L$1 or more, you can withdraw your earnings by clicking the [Mini buoy Icon] and [Withdraw] button on your HUD.
Virtual Fishing is free to play. Fishing kit (rod + HUD) is free.
Virtual Fishing
Visit our website for more information http://www.fungamescentral.com/vf_index.html
See item in Second Life View Video »- Virtual Fishing Kit
- Earn Lindens
- Free Fishing
- Earn L$
- Traffic Game
Great Way to Earn Lindens and make Friends
Absolutely a greay way to earn Lindens while meeting wonderful people and relaxing too!
i want play with kit fishing but he say this "This buoy inactive.. Please try another via HUD or checkout buoy list at " and i have "Virtual Fishing v2.2". You have make other version ?
Thank you so much for helping me Tatiana! You guys are awesome!
Thank you
This is an excellent and stable income. Thank you very much.