Rigged and unrigged mesh Kemono Loafers with loose and frill socks for :
✔ Kemono body human feet
✔ Wretch Kemono Flat Flat
An unrigged Loafers have been added.
● 6 shoes textures included.
● 2 socks textures included.
● Recolorable by Hud.
● UV map + textures + materials included.
● New applier system (you can send your own texture into the Hud)
To get an update go to the redelivery terminal in the mainstore or wear the updater in the folder.
The other reviews are absolute pepegas
This product deserves some love, it did what is advertaised and the DEMOs inworld are supa nice, giving you information power or wheter to buy it or not.
My only complain is that the loafers can be too smol, but at the same time it is an old product for a body that may soon be defunct
Not happy at all
the loafers look cool not impressed with the socks at all because they are rigged you can not put them where they need to go if they do not fit right over all unsatisfied and wasted 350L on them 1 star until issue is fixed . I am very sad that I can not use these at all!
looks great
it gives you options to wear just the shoes, just the socks, add the loose socks or have it without.
The hud gives you a few set colors to pick between.
the hud also lets you changed every single possible thing on the shoe or socks so please don't pay the other review any mind they have no idea what they are talking about. you can make the shoe white or any color on a color wheel.
Almost Perfect
I did an review of these before and, I still find it to be the best loafers! Its very well made and adorable to every look...tho I do wish they had white textures for it too :/ (the Loafers, not the socks).