New as of 12/8/22: Added a HUD for Clover's BoM eyes.
Would suggest turning on alpha masking and/or fullbright on the shine layer, but that's up to you.
Some more questionable (and tintable) things to put in your eyes! Huzzah! Rejoice!
> BoM layers for your eyes, the eyes themselves are not included.
>Chart included with purchase for easy name referencing.
You can use these with any sluv eyes you own, as long as they are bakes on mesh eyes.
- 24 Universal eye layers
- Chart included for easy reference
Best shop ever
It's stuff like this that makes me wonder how I haven't seen anyone else really tap into this level of customization you can get with bom. As expected from this shop, super creative fun and great to play around with 11/10
look amazing
great add ons for eyes, changes the eye completly, look great with any eyes
So pleased with this !
Its amazing how details like this can enhance the eyes, a lot of options included. Everyone must have this, the impact it makes not only to the eyes but the entire face, I feel so bright and sparkly !.