mmkmax Version 1.0
Hello. It is a helicopter for the first time MichieMarine.
Was to allow a copy of the one that you copied
How to use--- start ---
sit on
Engine Start /1start or use HUD power button (/1 is default channel)
--- drive control keys ---
Takeoff and Up ...... keep hold PageUp key
caution! (Have to begin to float, keep pressing.)
Down .............. hold PageDown key
forward,back&turn ......... each arrow key
sideslip ......... shift + arrow key
caution! (Once you have landed, if you do not 1m rise, it will not operate except PageUpKey.)
--- fire fighting gimmick ---
set water tank ......... menu or HUD fmax button
drainage ......... HUD fmax button (chat /1b)
if you have rez permission. drainage while waterbomb.
View Video »- Stability
- Motion performance
- Cockpit Drive (Mouse look)
- Fire fighting gimmick
- WaterBomb & Target (need rez permission)
Great fun :)
Thiz Heli is realy nice and handling better as some expensive Helis. Iz Fun to drop Waterbomb on Friends :) Great Fun :))