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parcel prim counter (version 2009)

parcel prim counter (version 2009)

Counts all resident's prims on touch and shows a list of their NAMES and their COUNT of prims.

The counter needs to be owned by the parcel owner but everybody can touch to count.

click here to get its demo

See item in Second Life
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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted December 21, 2015 by St0rmyN1ght

I have the mod 'resell' (which you cant really since its no copy), version and it works fine. I own multiple property's and thought maybe id get the copy version for more. This one absolutely REFUSES to deed to land. I've fought with this thing for the past couple hours and I give. Will NOT deed. and it needs to deed to work.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 22, 2010 by Reila Karu

Nice script :)

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