- Profile
Hiiii Kyutesies ♥♥
Formerly Known As Kutesy Koolaid Re-branded As Kyutèchi✿ What is Kyutèchi all about?
- Kyutèchi is currently a black woman owned Bahamian store dedicated to providing the grid with high quality, unique, and kyute products that fit my style. (I strive to produce items that I would love to wear and are exciting for me to create.) (๑♡⌓♡๑)✿ How do I pronounce Kyutèchi?
- Kyutèchi is pronounced as (Q-Tay-She).✿ Why the rebrand?
- Personally, I felt that I wanted a change and a name that was more creative, but to keep the kutesy aspect of it.- Also, I felt that I have outgrown the name Kutesy Koolaid and wanted to switch up my aesthetic, so why not a new name as well? Plusss, the Koolaid portion of my previous name was causing a branding issue. Soooo....yeaahh!
- This would not have been possible without each and everyone of you. I am extremely thankful for all the love and support I have received. It really warms my heart, oinkiesss again!!!! ♡( ❛ั દ ❛ั ⭒)- Shy (CEO) ~
- Policies
✿ 1. Pleaseee, Remember To Read and Understand Correctly
✿ 2. All Products Contain Demos So Please Use Them!
✿ 4. Absolutely NO Refunds, ALL Sales Are FINAL (Unless a Double Purchase)
✿ 5. Only Fattypack/Mega Fattypacks are Copy,Modify Unless Stated Otherwise
✿ 6. Feel Free To Send Me a IM With Questions And Concerns
✿ 8. Remain Forever Kyutè ✿Oinkies sooo Much For Your Purchase
- Shy (CEO) ~