- Profile
An expansion store for Persephone's Grove (owned by Persephone Meads). Address all customer service issues (except redeliveries) to Persephone Meads please.
Mainstore -- https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/105245
Because IMs get capped, if you don't get a response, please try IMing again, or drop a notecard onto my profile.
If you get no response please try again -- your message or notecard probably got lost in a cap. PersephoneGrove is a store avatar and not often inworld, except to upload new products.
All product images are taken inworld and not photoshopped at all, only cropped and resized to fit listing image requirements. What You See Is What You Get.
Clothing demos are for fit purposes only and use a Demo word texture. Look at the product listing image to see what the clothing product texture looks like.
- Policies
No refunds.
For No Transfer items, products can be redelivered by use of automatic redelivery.
For No Copy or No Copy/No Transfer items, products will be redelivered ONLY if I see that the item has a "delivery failed" message in my merchant information interface. If I don't see that, I will suggest you contact Linden Lab, since the item was delivered according to the Marketplace website.
111 matching items found.

Persephone's Grove (Annex) by PersephoneGrove
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Persephone's Grove (Annex) by PersephoneGrove
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Persephone's Grove (Annex) by PersephoneGrove
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Persephone's Grove (Annex) by PersephoneGrove
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Persephone's Grove (Annex) by PersephoneGrove
0 Reviews