- Profile
Building has been fun for me and I enjoy it. I am most often making things that I would like to have for a Role play and share them on Market place for others that might also like them.
Note: I do have many things I make alone and some that are constructed with others. So if it does not have my name on the prim work feel free to IM the other to assure yourself that it is work I am allowed to sell. I hope you will enjoy the things I make as much as I have enjoyed making them and role playing with them.
- Policies
You can send me a NC in world if you like and have a question or comment. I am starting out and would love to have feedback.
NOTE: Some items I am selling are made by friends and so will not have my name on them as the creator. They are mine to sell however and the ones that created them can be IMed to check this if wished.