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Alpha 911 - RLV Alpha HUD & 240+ BOM Alphas - Inithium Kupra & Slink Hourglass (Redux): BOM Mesh Bodies & Classic Avatar Versión 3.0

Alpha 911 - RLV Alpha HUD & 240+ BOM Alphas - Inithium Kupra & Slink Hourglass (Redux): BOM Mesh Bodies & Classic Avatar

¿Te sientes deprimido y triste porque tu BOM Mesh Body como Inithium Kupra e Inithium Kupra Kups no viene con System Alphas ...?

Chicas, ¿les gustaría que su cuerpo de malla Slink Physique Hourglass (Redux) tuviera alfas como o similares al Alpha HUD de Slink Physique Hourglass (Classic) y poder usar sus pieles y tatuajes BOM favoritos ...?

¿Tu esposa, novia o pareja se está quejando y regañando sobre cómo no puede ocultar esos molestos agujeros en su ropa de malla y desearía poder esconderlos con los alfas ...?



¡SI! ¡TÚ!




** ¡PRESENTANDO! ¡ALPHA 911! ***

¡Así es! Alpha 911!

Alpha 911 es un MEGAPACK de más de 240 BOM Alphas para su BOM Mesh Body como Slink Physique Hourglass (Redux), Inithium Kupra e Inithium Kupra Kups.

¡E incluso funciona para avatares clásicos también!

Entonces, ¿qué está incluido?


** Alpha 911 viene con lo siguiente: **

* ¡NUEVO! * Alpha 911: HUD Alpha de emergencia (¡GRATIS!)

**** Enlace al video instructivo aquí ****:

Más de 240+ BOM Alphas (¡16 Alphas adicionales GRATIS!)

11 diagramas de mapa alfa (incluido 1 diagrama de mapa alfa EXTRA)

** ¿Qué tipos de Alphas están incluidos? **

Arms Alphas [superior e inferior]
Butt Alphas [Incluye Alphas Slink Alpha inspirados en HUD]
Patas traseras Alphas
Back Torso Alphas [Incluye Alphas Slink Alpha inspirados en HUD]
Alfas de toda la sección
Alfas adicionales *
Alfas de las patas delanteras
Alfas del torso frontal [Incluye Alphas inspirados en el HUD de Slink Alpha]
Manos y pies Alphas
Pelvis Alphas [incluye Alphas Slink Alpha inspirados en HUD]

Asterisco (*) = ACTUALIZADO v3.0

Los alphas Alpha 911 se basan en la plantilla de UV superior e inferior Physique de Slink.

** ¡Crédito a Slink por proporcionar Plantillas UV para usar con Alphas! ¡Gracias Slink! **

TODOS estos Alpha del Alpha 911 MEGAPACK han sido probados y GARANTIZADOS para trabajar en los siguientes cuerpos de malla:

Slink Physique Hourglass (Redux)
Inithium Kupra
Inithium Kupra Kups
Slink Physique Original (Redux)
Maitreya Lara
Legacy Female

eBody Reborn próximamente!


¡ASÍ ES! 200L!






*** ¡CÓMPRALO HOY! ***




Alpha 911 es ÚNICAMENTE un MegaPack Alpha de Alphas de capas del sistema para INTENTAR SOLAMENTE arreglar LA MAYORÍA (NO TODAS) LAS SITUACIONES y ESCENARIOS en los que necesita arreglar sus atuendos Second Life que tienen su cuerpo de malla y / o la piel del cuerpo de malla sobresaliendo de su ropa de malla ( AKA: la ropa tiene agujeros). Alpha 911 NO repara TODAS LAS SITUACIONES o ESCENARIOS, SINO SÓLO INTENTA reparar los agujeros Y NO ES UNA SOLUCIÓN GARANTIZADA EN TODAS LAS SITUACIONES y ESCENARIOS

SI su ropa de malla, por ejemplo: tiene un agujero / piel de su cuerpo de malla, un área en la que necesita ser reparada, pero un Alpha del MegaPack of Alphas de Alpha 911 no se arregla correctamente porque el área de la ropa de malla es DEMASIADO GRANDE para el Alpha para cubrir (LO QUE CAUSA QUE UN ALPHA NO CUBRA UN AGUJERO ADECUADAMENTE) para arreglar y / o el área de la ropa de malla es DEMASIADO PEQUEÑA para que el Alpha lo cubra y arregle (LO QUE CAUSA QUE UN ALPHA HAGA DEMASIADO MUCHA DE UN ÁREA SERÁ INVISIBLE Y SE EXTIENDE MÁS ALLÁ DEL ÁREA DESEADA), entonces, desafortunadamente, Alpha 911 NO PUEDE arreglar ese agujero.

Y será necesario crear un alfa HECHO A MEDIDA que NO ESTÁ INCLUIDO en el Alpha 911 para arreglar dicho agujero en el escenario de ejemplo como se indicó anteriormente a discreción del consumidor.

¡ANTES DE COMPRAR, POR FAVOR, revise y revise mis diagramas de mapas alfa!

*** Si tiene problemas con CUALQUIER ALFA, ya sea que no esté funcionando o si tiene alguna pregunta o ayuda con Alpha 911, POR FAVOR comuníquese con: xKingSizeMickayx Resident (Cutie's Husband) con una TARJETA DE NOTAS con su problema / inquietud. :)

Por favor, NO DEJE UNA MALA REVISIÓN antes de contactarme primero si tiene algún problema o inquietud.

¡Estoy dispuesto y quiero ayudarte si lo necesitas! :)

¡Me comunicaré con usted y le responderé lo antes posible para ayudarlo con una respuesta NOTECARD!:) ***

Por favor, deje una reseña; ¡Se agradecen los comentarios!

** ¡Agradecimiento a LaChelle Genira por su video en el que revisa el Alpha 911 y detalla cómo usarlo! ¡Video de YouTube vinculado al final de la descripción! ¡Gracias Chelle! **

Ver vídeo »
  • 240+ Bakes-On-Mesh (BOM) System Layer Alphas
  • Alpha Map Diagrams
  • Alpha 911: Emergency Alpha HUD
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SL Strippers you need this, absolutely amazing! (tested on Legacy)
full star full star full star full star full star Publicado March 20, 2024 por PaladiaFrostgard

I'm giving this five stars only because I can't give more.

There are people who have complained about the set up and having only one alpha per folder. For the hud to function properly, this is exactly how it has to be. Follow the instructions and it will work and it's totally worth the extra clicks.

It's an alpha hud, when you click on a section of the hud, it alpha's that part of the body out so you can see if you have the right part clicked. It's similar to your body's hud in that regard. It has way more flexibility and cuts than the Legacy HUD so you can get a lot more precise.

Here's where things go great for me. The hud adds a BOM alpha using rlv. Once you find the perfect fit for a piece of clothing, you can go into your worn items and copy the set of alphas that you're using. Paste them into the folder with your piece of clothing and boom, just wear the folder, you never have to worry about alphaing that piece of clothing again.

In my case, I'm a stripper so I'm already using rlv to put on / take off my clothing using rlv and adding / removing the contents of a folder. This means, I click in my wardrobe hud to add a piece of clothing and the alphas get added as well. I use my stripping hud to remove the folder and the alphas that I copied into that folder are removed as well. There is no more scrambling to take the right alphas off, no unsightly 10 second pause while I add the alphas back in.

Seriously, this is well worth the 200L, frankly, I'm sending him an additional 300L just cause.

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Tedious but...SO WORTH IT!!!
full star full star full star full star full star Publicado March 03, 2024 por VirtualEarth

I previously had a full on mesh Maitreya Lara body. Loved especially the ease of hiding body parts in the HUD with built-in alphas. In seeking a unique look, I fell in love with a different brand of mesh heads and everything went into chaos for achieving a total body look. Never ever imagined I'd NOT be using a mesh body but getting the skin tones matched up required it. Then I found this true GEM of a resource and life feels sane again (lol). This brilliantly developed tool is amazing but you MUST follow the instructions to the letter. Carve out some time, patiently do each step that is excellently detailed in the NC and the magic will be yours! Super glad I found it and patiently worked through the installation. Literally tons of well crafted alphas for every area of your body with ability to manually choose trouble spots. Highly recommended. Super Fan!

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not for kupra
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Publicado January 18, 2024 por Suerinaa

it says it works for inithium kupra but it doesnt cannot speak for the other
body types it promote

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An absolute Must for Kupra body users!!!
full star full star full star full star full star Publicado November 16, 2023 por Mae Jeon

Really amazing HUD, takes some time to set it all up but following the clear instructions of the video I made it and couldnt be happier with this purchase. Thank you to the creator!!!

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OMG....I think my Emergency was resolved once I found this!
full star full star full star full star full star Publicado November 05, 2023 por Kaleigha Zennor

Yes we all know that Kupra/Kups don't come with an alpha hud and I have tried many different Alpha huds, but OMG this one that is tied into RLV IS A DREAM COME TRUE!!!! Thank you so much for creating this tool for us Kupra Lovers!!! It definitely is worth purchasing this item!!

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I Recommend This To All My Friends as The Most Complete and Useful Alpha Set in SL
full star full star full star full star full star Publicado September 12, 2023 por Xiu Crisp

I have been experimenting with making my own Alphas for Second Life clothing. If I created and uploaded twenty (2) alpha masks to Second Life it would cost the same as this utility. I know I could share those 20 with my friends, but it would not come close to the usefulness of this product.

1. It does not require RLV. You do use RLV to enable to e HUD to Add and Remove the various alpha layers you select from the visual layout HUD, but there are Named Equivilant alphas in the pack if you just want to hide a known position on the body. You can also rather easily Link to those alpha items when a specific article of clothing quires it and have it at hand immediately when you wear the item.

2. What RLV gives you is this decent map of the various alpha panels and what they would hide. They have cryptic names (shortened for RLV itself) and you can use the HUD to see what area it is you are trying to hide. You can confirm which item was added, and even then go and look for the "Manual" version if you choose to do so. That way the RLV HUD is more a test HUD for what you would include in an outfit after determining you found what you need.

The Manual alphas include images in each of the dozen (12) folders to depict which area is covered by which alpha item. It is really well done and must have been a mountain of work, but most impressive is the degress of design thought that went into it. I think it's brilliant.

I do recommend this without hesitation and hope you find the investment as valuable as I do now.

PS. I do not know the creator, nor was I compensated for this review. I am just enthusiastic.

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