Hola clase:
Establezca los nombres de los botones en nombres de anim.
Establezca las descripciones de los botones en "Anim0"
Puede usar este script en sus compilaciones para usarlas y venderlas. Puede dar este guión a los estudiantes para las clases.
- Anima avatar con HUD
- Fácil de configurar.
- Expandible
- ¡Perms completas para que las uses, vendas en construcciones, estudies y modifiq
- Por favor, deje una buena reseña: D
Thanks Azn! This is the best hud I have ever used, your script works really smooth and the hud works like a dream, i use as a dance hud and getting it to work is really simple, just add the dance animations (or any other animation) to the contents and then rename the buttons with each name of each animation you added, yes that simple and in no time I was rock an rolling all over the grid, oh and if that wasnt enough you can also change the appearance of the hud any way you want by just adding your own textures to the buttons or the back, add your logo or your favourite image, change the colours .. the limit is your imagination, AMAZING!! YAYAY Azn, SUPERB Job TYTYTY. I recommend it highly!!