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Arctic Wyvern Hatchling

Arctic Wyvern Hatchling


This is a newly listed product. For an idea of quality and ratings on similar products please click "Visit the Store".

Hatchies are cute little baby dragons, approximately half the height of an average human avatar. They're compatible with many other Tiny-specific costumes, accessories & animations.

* Each hatchling comes with HUD controls for easily customizing their color

* Blinking eyes and a tongue that flicks in and out

* The jaw moves while talking, and opens when the dragon breath is active

* Two different tail positions for flying & not flying

* Includes product Registration (for replacing lost inventory) as well as an Auto-update for receiving the latest version


This item is NO-TRANSFER, Please use the 'Add to Cart as Gift' button if you wish to buy it as a gift. Please understand that no refunds can be given for a mistaken purchase. This item is clearly marked as no-transfer.

Ver el artículo en Second Life
  • Comes with HUD controls for easily customizing their color
  • Blinking eyes, tongue that flicks and puffs of smoke rings
  • The jaw moves while talking, and opens when the dragon breath is active
  • Free automatic updates so you always have the latest version
  • Includes product Registration for replacing lost inventory
Clasificación media: full star full star full star full star half star
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Great avatar
full star full star full star full star full star Publicado April 16, 2016 por SamanthaPrater

real good avatar, nice animations for me:)

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Cute, but animations are really jerky
full star full star full star full star empty star Publicado June 06, 2015 por Ninjakittens

Great job with the mesh, he's adorable! His running, flying, and walking anims need a little more love though.

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full star full star full star full star full star Publicado August 31, 2012 por Yasiri

Fantastic and cute dragon hatchling, very well made and rich with details! (I only wished there was a notecard to explain the ao hud and the appearance hud.)
Love this lil Wyvern!

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