.:BSS:. Dressage Pattern Selector S (40x20m) Version 1.0
Dressage Pattern Selector Small v1.0
► For standard small dressage arenas (40x20m)
► More than 130 line segments to combine
► Over 60 predefined common dressage patterns to choose from
► 17 predefined line styles to represent gaits and types
► Simple control via HUD and menu combination
► Highly customizable
Designer: Muffin Margulies, Adani Mayo
✯ If you conduct riding and especially dressage classes or want to train just for
yourself, then this is for you. The "Dressage Pattern Selector" allows you to
show your favourite dressage patterns directly on the arena ground.
Instead of explaining what you mean, you can just show your class exactly the
path to go. Or you can use the pattern selector to train the dressage patterns
that still need improvement with your horse.
✯ We provide over 60 common dressage patterns, e.g. full, half and quarter school
lines, circles, changes, teardrops, voltes, diagonals, and serpentines.
You can freely switch patterns or just add them on top of the ones that are already
shown and you can choose gait and style which are represented by various color and
line stroke combinations.
✯ To get a better idea of this:
► Watch the video linked below
► Try it yourself at our demo site
► See the online manual: https://bonasalto.wordpress.com/dressage/dressage-pattern-selector/
✯ Your favourite pattern is missing? The menu is too big or too short? Or you want
a different styling? => No problem!
The selector is highly customizable. Edit one of the configuration notecards:
► Adjust the menu
► Adjust the style definitions
► Define your own patterns based on the many segments that we already provide
or even add your own line pattern prims to the system.
✯ The selector is [copy][mod], so you can have several versions for different
purposes (e.g. for a beginner class, advanced class, for your own training, ...).
✯ The control HUD is [copy][mod][transfer], so you pass that to your coaches, group,
friends, so that they can control the patterns in your arena. However, you control
the access settings and can change them any time (owner, group, public, whitelist).
✯ The setup is very simple and we provide an online documentation to get you started
and explain how you can do customization.