Baba Yaga's Hut On Hen's Legs - PERFECT HALLOWEEN GIFT

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Baba Yaga is the Russian evil witch with the iron teeth who eats children. She lives in a little hut on hen's legs in the forest with her servant, her dog, and het cat.

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  • 100% mesh house
  • prim bounding boxes

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Cute Touch for Halloween

Publicado November 03, 2021 por Romana Breuilly 5 estrellas

This has now become a standard part of my Halloween setup, complete with a sensor-triggered rendition of a certain portion of Mussorgsky's "Pictures". One reviewer commented on its small size--but that was fine for my purposes. The rear wall is just the right size for a YouTube screen on which I've made available a short lecture/description of the Baba Yaga legend. There's also a nice open window sill on which a cat can sit or an owl can perch.

It isn't quite how I'd imagined Baba Yaga's house (which I'd known of only from music), but it is very close to the standard depictions. There's nothing subtle about those chicken legs!

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Publicado August 05, 2017 por Elila Azalee 5 estrellas

This is a great little wooden Baba Yaga hut. It comes complete with amazing looking chicken feet. The hut itself is roomy and looks great with anything you want to put in it: candles, rug, sparkling lights, pentagram. Perfect for that Russian wicked witch.

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The Black Forest
The Black Forest
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Vendido por: Arduenn Schwartzman
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  • 5 estrellas 4 Reseñas

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  • Impacto en el terreno: 72
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