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Blueberry - So Cozy - Corset Cardigan - Cloud

Blueberry - So Cozy - Corset Cardigan - Cloud
Blueberry - So Cozy - Corset Cardigan - Cloud
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Thank you very much for shopping at Blueberry ♥

Dresses & Tops: Each purchase comes with a top and a dress. The belts and metals are color changeable and tops were sized to fit over most of your Blueberry bottoms.

Jackets: Comes with optional pearls sprinkled for that extra - they also come with an optional inner top.

Shoulder Bags: They can be worn over your jacket, included a size for a larger fit. They can be worn stand alone over pretty much everything. They are fully rigged.

Stockings and Boots: Boots come in 3 lengths, the stockings can be transparent or opaque. ALL of them are available in flat or high heels.

Please -always- try a demo.

This product comes in Legacy, Belleza Venus + Isis + Freya, Maitreya Lara, Slink Physique + Hourglass sizes.

Please, try a demo.

If you have any trouble with your purchase, please send me a message and I'll try my best to help you.

This product is a original Blueberry design.

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L$ 250

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Vendido por: Blueberryxx

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