Full perm mesh book less than 1 prim LI.
Includes AO and UV maps.
By buying this item, you agree to the store policy and purchase the legal right to use this product to make your own creations within Second Life.
You may sell or give away but only as part of your NON-FULLPERM creations. They must not be full perm or copy/transfer permission.
You may not transfer any of my products [sculpt maps or mesh] to any other virtual world, website, or other medium outside of Second Life.
Just perfect for creating your own books!
Thank you so much for this!
This was exactly what I was looking for at an exceptional price!
Very good
A very good mesh book, so easy to texturize with the AO maps, at an excellent price!
I love this so much
I use this for the display books for my store. My customers love them. The best part is that I lined a prim to it to have it appear under my name, and it still has a land impact of only 1 prim! This is ideal for any book display project. A word of caution - this book does not open - just in case someone thinks it opens lol - Thank you.
You are not charging enough, its fabulous :)