This Store

B(u)Y ME: Jordan . MP (BOX//WEAR)

B(u)Y ME: Jordan  . MP (BOX//WEAR)
B(u)Y ME: Jordan  . MP (BOX//WEAR)
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B(u)Y ME ♥
• please turn off all animation huds, like body or hand huds to reach the best result with my bento poses.

• we offer bento poses for single female, single male and couples. sold as pack mostly, some are as single.

• if you have any problems, please dont hesitate to contact me inworld: pocahontaskowalsky or jayson rowley

• all single poses can be DEMO'd inworld.
we dont offer demo's to buy and try.

• we dont refund wrong purchases, or purchased by accident cases. If you had a double purchase, we will refund you with the transaction ID of the bought item.

• all item from my store are made from us.

L$ 299

Añadiendo al carrito como regalo


B(u)Y ME:
B(u)Y ME:
Vendido por: PocahontasKowalsky

Usarlo ahora

Este artículo se te entregará directamente a ti, o bien a un amigo tuyo de Second Life, abierto y listo para utilizar. No se requieren terreno ni un sandbox.

Es apta para los avatares clásicos y de malla
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