Hello and thank you for your interrest in the Chiparus Animation Vendor.
* Getting Started
Just rez a vendor from your inventory somewhere.
Accept the payment dialog. This is used to refund people if they pay a wrong amount of money.
Set the object description to something descriptive since it's used in the hovertext.
Drop your animations in the contents of the vendor.
* Configuration
Open the .config file fromt he contents of the animation vendor.
The most important option is the default price. By default it is set to 100L. This means, ALL animations will be 100L, UNLESS you list them at the bottom of the configuration file.
Optionally edit the hovertext color and timeout values, the rightclick menu sit-text. The sitposition probably won't need any finetuning.
Set SayPrince to 1 to enable whispering of the current animation name and price if someone is using the vendor. Set SayPrice to 0 to not whisper anything.
* Price Exceptions
If you don't want the animation to be the default price, list it here in the format:
To get the exact animation name, select it in your inventory, press f2, then ctrl-c copy the name. Then ctrl-v paste them in the .config file.
* Always test your configuration after you updated something!
That's it. Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Tomarus Lednev
Check out these URL's to visit =CHPARUS= in-world :
* =CHIPARUS= Main Store
* =CHIPARUS= Showroom
* My other items at XStreetSL