Mischievous Christmas Efl TipJar - Filling The Stockings Versión 1.0

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Xtreme Designs is proud to present its 2012 Christmas TipJars.
These are a must have for anyone in SL that wants an Xtreme Holiday season!
• Displays your name, amount of last tip, tippers name, and total amount tipped.
• XD Spin Control - Click to start or stop the Jar!
• 100% Life time guarantee. If your Jar should ever break or get lost, we’ll replace it for FREE!*
Each Jar has its own effects and personality. Check out all of our 2012 Christmas TipJars!
*With proof of purchase.
- Keeps track of your tips!
- Customized Holiday thank you when tipped.
- Gives out gifts when tipped!
- Free fixes & updates for life!
L$ 59
Es necesaria la apertura
Para poder abrir este objeto y utilizarlo, tienes que encontrar un lugar adecuado en Second Life (por ejemplo, un Sandbox).
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