Xtreme Club TipJar - Wild West Re-Visited - Country Western Versión 3.3

Xtreme Designs is proud to present its Xtreme Club Tipjar System!
Lots of new features are included in v3.0 of our amazing Club TipJar System. We spent several months researching & designing this Xtremely unique system that not only produces NO LAG, but is Xtremely functional! There is NO other system like this in Second Life!
• Group or access list secure logins.
• Managers & Staff simply click to log in.
• Auto log out. If your staff crashes or leaves the area you specify, they are logged out!
• Income sharing with up to 11 others. Easily configured via the menu!
• User Ban List.
• Last tipper button. Displays the name of the person and how much was tipped.
• Configurable hover text color.
• Configurable multi-line hover text & Thank you message.
• Private (IM) or public (Main Chat) thank you messages.
• Payment notifications via chat (IM) or drop down (Menu).
• Configurable quick pay buttons.
• IM or email to owner with stats.
• Managers can add & remove staff easily. (Via Chat Commands)
• Total amount tipped can be enabled or disabled!
• Complete & total control over every aspect of the TipJars.
• XD Update system. Easily update your jars if needed.
• Second Life Viewer 2 Compliant.
• Our new online users guide that is download-able to your computer.
• All features configurable via note card or menu.
• Guaranteed for life! We will fix or replace them even if you break em!
- Group or access list secure logins.
- Owner % with income sharing.
- Configurable multi line hover text & thank you message.
- Xtreme Auto Logout
- User Ban List
L$ 699
Es necesaria la apertura
Para poder abrir este objeto y utilizarlo, tienes que encontrar un lugar adecuado en Second Life (por ejemplo, un Sandbox).
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