**PLEASE NOTE** This item is old (and unfinished) and has been discontinued - while it is still available for purchase, customer support is not available to resolve any issues with it, hence the lowered price.
Terrible as an av, but made an ok animesh pet
I reworked this into an animesh pet, and can ride it around, some. Anis aren't perfect, to be sure, but it works overall!
Bought in July'19, still no updates.
It's unusable as is, but the promise of updates was why I reserved judgment until now. Clearly, no updates are coming.
hey i hope you work on this avatar more i really like it but need a little work on animations and and such ^^
the animations are SLIGHTLY janky? the "walk" is a flying animation, there IS no actual fly animation, there's not even a sit. just a basic stand. this avatar should not even have been listed for sale in the state of incompleteness it's currently in. the product description was absolutely misleading, I expected something at least basically functional.