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[Gentek] Delta Elevator (Transferable) v1.0 [Boxed]

[Gentek] Delta Elevator (Transferable) v1.0 [Boxed]

For more information, see our Company Policy: http://gentektechnologies.com/policy

◉ CONDOR ELEVATOR OWNERS: L$500 automatic rebate on unpacking! ◉

▣ If you already bought the Personal package, we will automatically refund you its entire L$1499 purchase price! ▣


The Delta Elevator is the most advanced elevator system in Second Life. Building on the legacy of the leading Condor Elevator, the Delta takes it to the next level with an extremely easy web-based setup process, better elevator logic, a true-to-life realistic design, and tons of other features.

We've designed the Delta Elevator based on feedback from builders wanting a precision, easy-to-use elevator system that complements their building. Gentek brings the solution after years of development. You'll never find another elevator that even comes close to what we've packed into the Delta:

♦ AUTO-MAGIC SETUP: No more description editing! Rez components and go. Doors are connected automatically!
♦ WEB CONFIG: No more notecards! Manage all settings in a clean, intuitive web interface.
♦ READY TO USE: No unlocking or script installation needed, even for your customers (full perm version only).
♦ COMPLETE PACKAGE: This is the only purchase you need! No separate component purchases needed.
♦ REAL-LIFE LOGIC: Handles calls just like a real elevator, not just in the order they come in.
♦ MULTI-CAR SERVICE: Up to 4 cars in the same elevator bank can share calls on the same floors.
♦ AUTO RECALL: Return elevator cars to individual floors after a certain time for faster service.
♦ CUSTOM WAIT TIME: Set your wait time to hold doors open at floors and when the door hold key is active.
♦ 16 FLOOR SUPPORT: Serve as few as 2 or as many as 16 floors per elevator.
♦ CUSTOM FLOOR NAMES: Choose from -9-99, B1-B9, P1-P9, 1A-9A, 1R-9R, A-Z, and 18 other two-letter names.
♦ FLOOR SIMULATION: Show simulated floor numbers as you pass them for filler floors or express elevators.
♦ SMART SOUNDS: Only hear in-car bells if you’re inside, and only hear floor chimes if you’re on that floor.
♦ CUSTOM CHIMES: Set your own door chimes and in-car bells.
♦ FIRE & INDEPENDENT SERVICE: Fully-functional key-switched service modes for roleplayers.
♦ STOP & DOOR HOLD KEYS: Even more fully-functional key switches for roleplay and building management.
♦ ALARM & INTERCOM: Functional alarm and phone buttons with separate intercom phone included.
♦ APPEARANCE OPTIONS: Change ceiling and handrail styles with just a dropdown box.
♦ BUTTON COLORS: Choose between white, red, amber, green, blue, magenta, and off-white button lighting.
♦ CUSTOM THEMES: Set floor, wall, ceiling, door, and frame textures, or make your own (PSDs included).
♦ KEYFRAME MOVEMENT: Never gets jammed! Requires only a 3m x 3m hole to move through.
♦ PRECISE CONSTRUCTION: Each and every piece is built to a standard scale for precision building.
♦ SHAFT INCLUDED: Prim reference shaft included so you know exactly what dimensions to use.
♦ BUILDER OPTIONS: Hideable doorway and interior/exterior door number decal faces for advanced builders.
♦ LINKABLE DOORWAYS: Doors and controller can be linked to your building to simplify packaging.
♦ MODIFIABLE OBJECTS: Objects are copy/mod. Scripts are copy/no-mod. (Can only be used in the Delta car.)
♦ MODULAR DOORWAY: Remove buttons and displays if you don’t want them.
♦ LOW LAND IMPACT (PRIMS): 4 (single doors) or 6 (double doors) LI car, 3 LI doorway, 4 LI controller.
♦ DUAL-MODE DOORS: Center split or double side opening doors with obstruction sensors.
♦ HIGH SPEED: Supports up to 8 m/s movement for long distances (3 m/s or lower recommended).
♦ SMOOTH MOVEMENT: Smooth acceleration and deceleration reduces kicked passengers due to physics.
♦ ANY HEIGHT: Can be used anywhere between 0 and 4096 m (200 m or shorter travel distance recommended).
♦ TRACTION & HYDRAULIC: Two sound sets and movement types for high-rise and low-rise installations.
♦ ACCESS CONTROL: Features NBS Keyring multi-user, multi-group access control per floor and for managers.
♦ PROXIMITY DETECTION: Users can’t push buttons they are not within arm’s reach of.
♦ INTERACTIVE CONTROLLER: View elevator statuses and monitor the system right on the controller.
♦ LAG-ADAPTIVE MOVEMENT: Everything moves the same speed, even when the sim slows down.
♦ FREE & FAST UPDATES: Free v1 generation updates. Update it in-place using NBS MicroUpdate.
♦ UPGRADE REBATE: If you buy the Transferable package, we will refund the Personal package price.

For more information, visit our in-world demo or see the user manual here:

Ver el artículo en Second Life
  • Complete realistic elevator system with advanced logic and Web Setup
  • Single and double door cars for any building configuration
  • Fully functional interactive buttons and key switches
  • Transferable package for prefab builders to include in prefabs
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the best!
estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena Publicado July 13, 2018 por xavier14

keep up the good work.

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