WC94_Classic Retro Dress
Rigged Mesh WC Classic Retro Dress
Package includes:
- 5 rigged mesh models (XS, S, M, L,XL)
- Shadow map texture
- UV map texture
- Alpha map texture
Terms and Conditions:
- Content of this package can not be sold with full permissions
- Models can not be sold under 50 lindens
- full permissions
- rigged mesh
- 5 sizes (XSS, XS, S, M, L)
- alpha layer with png textures
- easy to color or texture
Link to OBJ file is unavailable
I bought the mesh dress templates, but the link to the .obj file is unavailable. Is there an alternate link where I can purchase the .OBJ file?
enjoyed this mesh a great deal - you have some lovely meshes and I intend to try more of them, thank you for making them and offering them so reasonably - and just a mention regarding the previous review and sizes offered - there are 5 standard universal mesh sizes and each mesher will name them as they see fit, would you prefer, instead of XXS, XS, S, M and L - they be named XS, S, M, L and XL? They are still standard sizes and they run the same from mesher to mesher unless of course you are specializing in making something specifically curvy or very tiny - running to one end of the sizing range and pushing it further in which case that would be made very clear before purchase - Otherwise, standard is as standard does XXS-L, XS-XL or S-XXL its all the same.
L$ 100
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