1 Prim Full Perm Mesh Ficus Elastica Plant V2
Mesh potted plant, textured and ready to use.
All Mesh - no transparent textures
Plant has has 4 separate faces, you can personalize it easily. Easy texturing with included UV map.
This set includes:
- Models
- UV map
- AO map
- Normal map
- Texture
Terms and Conditions
Please read my terms and conditions carefully before committing to buy:
- Full Perm Mesh
- All mesh - no transparent textures
- 1 Prim Only
- AO map, UV map, Normals map
- 4 Mesh Faces
Nicely done
Awesome indoor plant. You won't find a better one in SL
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I was looking for some mesh plants for one of our businesses and this is perfect!
It is very high quality and the detail is great. Very realistic!
goes invisible at a short distance
too expensive
Second Plant I bought and its same beautifull as the first one.