KUO-TOA [algae] Complete RiggedMesh AV & Shape
![KUO-TOA [algae] Complete RiggedMesh AV & Shape](https://slm-assets.secondlife.com/assets/10220720/view_large/kurotoa_AD1%28algae%29.jpg?1409420469)

Thankyou for your interest in this slippery lurker from the shadowy depths of the ocean!
The KUO-TOA Complete Rigged Mesh Avatar *COPY* & Shape! *COPY/MOD*
Designed by Christina Longmeadow, creator of 'PIXEL PUSS'.
This fully rigged mesh avatar was inspired primarily by the Kuo-toa frog-like race from Dungeons & Dragons mythology, but also from the Murlocs of World of Warcraft, and The Deep Ones of H.P. Lovecraft lore.
The avatar comes in several parts so that you have more freedom to customise your kuo-toa once more products related to him have been released. Such as different fins, eyes, teeth, hands and feet and armor or clothing. I aim to release a variety of Kuo-toa bodies of different colours and markings in time. To encourage variety and roleplay ideas. This avatar makes use of advanced lighting and rendering giving a greater amount of detail to the avatar under a higher graphics setting. You will find that even on low graphics the quality and detail remain.
The characters eyes can blink and look around and also be closed, all via chat commands. They feature 18 different colours and patterns and can be made full bright and to glow for those underwater gloomy settings. The hands can also be relaxed or fisted via chat commands. Useful for when holding weaponry. He also comes with a HUD for making his mouth open and close i different ways such as croaking, eating, chewing etc. I also aim to release a Kuo-Toa specific AO in time, but have found several fantastic AOs already out there which are suitable that I have listed in the notecard.
The parts included are:
Mouth Animation HUD
Shape (copy/mod)
kuotoa body (copy)
kuotoa foot R and L (copy)
kuotoa hand R and L (copy) relaxed and fisted
kuotoa foot flipper R and L (copy)
kuotoa Spine Spikes (copy)
kuotoa Spine Fins (copy)
kuotoa teeth upper & lower
kuotoa Eye R and L (copy) 17 textures, glow on/off, fullbright on/off
Kuotoa Eyelid R and L (copy mod) [incase you change your shape size eyelids will need resizing.] blinking and closed on chat command.
**When wearing this avatar please be aware that by detatching parts or all of this avatar your shape will deform and may require a relog.** If you have a huge head and hands its usually a sign you need a relog!
Stay tuned for more kuo-toa types and accessories!
Christina Longmeadow
Owner of PiXeL PuSs
- Highly detailed Rigged Mesh(copy) Avatar with Bump & Specular mapped textures!
- Eyes with 17 exotic colours Via menu. Plus Full Bright & Glow Options
- Animated Mouth & Eyes that can move, blink and sleep on easy chat command.
- Relaxed/fisted Hands. Easy change via chat command. Ideal for holding weaponry.
- Detachable hands, feet, teeth and fins in preparation for optional accessories.
Beautiful color, shape and textures.
I am giving this Five Stars because it looks wonderful.
However I do have a couple wishes for future updates :)
I wish the hud that controls mouth movements also controlled eye color choices and blinking on/off. I wish that you could hide the hud without it turning off the animations. Also, when the hud is hid I think it should be smaller and take up less screen space.
Be aware, at this time there are no sounds for the hud so when you choose animations you get error messages saying "sound not found" Creator states she will add them in an update.
Amazing !!!
Top quality , really well rigged ! The eyes are so living and beautiful , the whole thing moves without clipping so far even with my crazy AO .
I love the moutth animations using the hud however I would have liked a typing animation too .
I'm waiting for the sounds update ! :)
L$ 1,200
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